Some of our New Class Offerings for Fall

"Sew Together"- a Mother-Daughter Club: Create memories with a loved-one as you create a beautiful finished project at your skill level.  $40/mo + materials.

Fridays 2:00-4:00

"Ready to Quilt"- A Quilting Skills Club: Continue to develop your sewing and quilting skills in this intermediate class.  Weekly introduction to tools and techniques that will help you take your quilts to the next level.  $40/mo.  

Saturdays 9:00-11:00

Style Series:  Mondays 11:30-1:30  $15 + materials
Classes focused on quilts and techniques at the height of style, including: 
  • Die Cut Basics:  4th Monday of each month.  Die cut machines are the cutting edge in quilting.  Watch those perfectly cut pieces roll out of the machine in minutes, cutting your 'cutting time' down to nothing!  Experience this for yourself with the shop's new die cut machine!

  •  Show & Tell- every 5th Monday: (no charge)  Ladies gather to show their latest completed projects with a truly appreciative crowd!  Visit a product and technique demonstration station and receive 15% off your purchases for the day!

Quilting Skills Series: Fridays 11:00-1:00, $15 + materials
Come learn or refresh your quilting skills in this series of classes designed to address the basics of quilting from start to finish.

For more details and a look at our entire adult class schedule for fall, visit our Adult Classes page.

Fall & Winter Class Schedule

Check out our Youth Classes Page to see the updated class schedule for Fall & Winter!