Black Friday = Quilt Back Friday

400+ Fabrics

40%-80% Off!

100+ at $2, $3, or $4/yd!

Black Friday = Quilt Back Friday


Sew Right

Two days only!! Friday and Saturday

November 26th & 27th 2010

Take advantage of Black Friday specials at Sew Right to stock up on fabric for quilt tops and backs. Choose from hundreds of premium quality quilting fabrics. Mark your calendars! This offer is valid for TWO DAYS ONLY.


Spend $75 and get a free Mighty Bright Craft Light while supplies last. That's a $10.99 value! Or, spend just $5 and get a FREE fat quarter from our fat quarter basket with your purchase.
While you are there, check out our Moda holiday collections including Makin New Friends, Lumiere De Noel, Northwoods Botanical, and Let Us Adore Him from Henry Glass.

Sew Right- 2037 East 3300 South SLC, UT 84109 801-466-8805

Holiday Apron Class

Holiday Apron Class
Tuesdays November 9th and 16th
6:30-8:30 p.m.

Hooray! Halloween Fabric is now 50% off. Come get your favorite Halloween fabrics today before they are all gone.